Sunday, June 7, 2015

HIp pocket (out of class)

My sister-in-law on my wife Meagan's side of the family had a baby shower as she has said in her post. We took the opportunity to spend the weekend with the family that come down and thought it would be a good use of our time to do so and get our homework done so we made them sit through our presentations. I did not want to attend the baby shower so I did it afterwards with a few aunts, uncles and cousins of ours.

I drive a Ford F-150 which runs on natural gas. I have driven natural gas vehicles ever since I turned 16 and have found they are wonderful. Of course there are a few cons but in my opinion there are far more pros to the story which is what I went over in my speech. I tried to inform my audience since there are not a lot of people who know about natural gas vehicles and I explained the big benefits of driving such vehicles. I hooked my IPad up to the apple tv which was on their 80" and used google slides to get a better practice. The slides turned out good and I felt like they were almost as good as the ones in class.

While I was in class I noted some items which I saw in other presentations which drew my attention away from what was being presented. I took that list and combined it with the notes I got back from Professor Young and made a list of 8 items for the critique. Since I was mindful of these items I feel like I did a much better job at this presentation. I made my audience fill out the questions which were rated from 1-10 with 10 being perfection. I feel like everyone was honest because I did not get a 10 in anything but I did get a lot of 9's and 8's (hopefully that wasn't just a nice gesture from them). Some of the questions had to deal with pacing, using "um" or "ah", speaking clearly and at a rate I could be understood etc...

I feel good about the presentation. I still haven't had any of the family members go out and buy a natural gas vehicle but all in good time :)

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