Thursday, June 11, 2015

Old Spice

The good ol Old Spice commercial
When I started reading some of these tactics I thought of this particular commercial. Commercials are made for persuasion or for awareness. This particular one cries out to persuade its audience to buy this body wash and it uses a few of the tactics we have all read about.

The tactic I chose to use is positive  self feeling. The commercial focuses on the fact that if you use this product you will be better and feel better about yourself. It is able to do so by comparing looks which is very personal to a lot of people. Because of the personal affect of the commercial it is successful in getting people to buy their product.

The process premise I see in the commercial is packards compelling needs of love objects. This is not a product that anyone actually needs. It is a love object in the sense that you want to be like the man in the commercial and he has made it clear to be like him you need to use old spice. This psychological thinking gets people to buy it and again it's not because of a need but because it is a love object.

The commercial does a good job at using persuasion to get people to buy it. It is funny and funny enough that it is what you think of when you are going to buy body wash so that is what you'll throw in your cart. It is successful at what it is trying to do

Sunday, June 7, 2015

HIp pocket (out of class)

My sister-in-law on my wife Meagan's side of the family had a baby shower as she has said in her post. We took the opportunity to spend the weekend with the family that come down and thought it would be a good use of our time to do so and get our homework done so we made them sit through our presentations. I did not want to attend the baby shower so I did it afterwards with a few aunts, uncles and cousins of ours.

I drive a Ford F-150 which runs on natural gas. I have driven natural gas vehicles ever since I turned 16 and have found they are wonderful. Of course there are a few cons but in my opinion there are far more pros to the story which is what I went over in my speech. I tried to inform my audience since there are not a lot of people who know about natural gas vehicles and I explained the big benefits of driving such vehicles. I hooked my IPad up to the apple tv which was on their 80" and used google slides to get a better practice. The slides turned out good and I felt like they were almost as good as the ones in class.

While I was in class I noted some items which I saw in other presentations which drew my attention away from what was being presented. I took that list and combined it with the notes I got back from Professor Young and made a list of 8 items for the critique. Since I was mindful of these items I feel like I did a much better job at this presentation. I made my audience fill out the questions which were rated from 1-10 with 10 being perfection. I feel like everyone was honest because I did not get a 10 in anything but I did get a lot of 9's and 8's (hopefully that wasn't just a nice gesture from them). Some of the questions had to deal with pacing, using "um" or "ah", speaking clearly and at a rate I could be understood etc...

I feel good about the presentation. I still haven't had any of the family members go out and buy a natural gas vehicle but all in good time :)

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The speech that made Obama president

The speech that made Obama president
This particular video clip is interesting because it is a critique or an analysis already of one of president Obama's speeches (no I did not cheat, I chose a parable they did not discuss). In this particular speech, I am surprised how well Obama is able to draw in the audience and make such an impact on them.

I chose Reich's parable The Mob at the Gate mainly because of what Obama says in the last 20 seconds of the video. Throughout the entire speech he hints at how America is in danger and how "we must beware, lest the forces of darkness overwhelm us. Our liberties are fragile; our openness renders us vulnerable to exploitation or infection from beyond"(  President Obama portrays the same message in different ways, the message being the USA is not separated or divided, it is one nation. He ends his speech by says "I believe this country will reclaim its promise, and out of this long political darkness, a brighter day will come". This is said after declaring "there is not black America, there is not Latino America.... there is one United states of America, hinting that the "liberties are fragile" and we are being divided.

I believe this has a very powerful cognitive effect on the audience. You can hear the applauds coming from the audience and how much energy was in the room. It brought the audience to a sense of togetherness and gave them something to cheer for and something to fight for, that united feeling and togetherness.

I believe Obama was able to hit home with a lot of people because of Packard's compelling needs in the sense of emotional security and sense of roots and also because of Maslow's hierarchy and a  sense of belonging. By claiming there is only ONE United States of America it makes people feel secure and that he is willing to fight for the country so there is not separation and it is a free and equal country. By saying we are one and together he eliminates groups and gives the people a sense of belonging. It seems like this hits home with the majority of the people there.