Thursday, May 28, 2015

Hillary Clinton's Concession Speech

                                  Hillary Clinton's Concession Speech                                 
When Eric said in class the other night how impressive (not sure if he went that far to say that) Hillary Clinton was it sparked my interest to see how impressive she was. I have not followed anything she has done every, I have only heard the bad press going around about her and have done an assignment about her email scandal. I have only heard bad things so when he said this it interested me a little. This speech is not a recent speech but one that I feel I can point out some of Larsen's Myths.

I would like to only discuss one of the myths although I feel as if I have found two or three in here which should not be any surprise. The myth I would like to discuss is the Valley of Challenge. This one stood out to me because she talks as if she will stick her neck out for me and that she will be there to raise to the challenge with whatever comes up. One specific thing she says in this speech is " you'll always find me on the front lines of democracy." She says this after talking about people feeling invisible to their president and having dreams and goals that have not been reached yet. This makes it feel as if she roll up her sleeves and work along side me and will do whatever it takes to make me happy and fulfill my goals.

The process premise which I found in this speech was in the need section under Maslow's Hierarchy, belonging and safety. Hillary in her speech talks as if what she will do will make me safe in my life and make me belong to something. She talks as if I will belong if she is in charge because that is what she will be able to do. I will be safe with her in charge. It seems as if she succeeds with this because of the audience and the applause she gests after saying such things. Writing this analysis I am more skeptic and do not believe a word since that is how it seems a lot of people are raised, to not believe a word any politician believes.

I will admit, she is a good speaker and does a good job in this speech. She pulls everyone together and makes every group of people feel as if they are included and then protected and supported by the things she says. She  did a good job.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The danger of hiding who you are

Morgana Bailey's speech on TED talks
I found this article titled " the danger of hiding who you are". I thought it was going to be on a different subject, nonetheless it was a good speech and had a good principle. Morgana spoke on being a lesbian and how it was to find that out on her own and then accept the fact and share it or not hide it from others.

I can see two aspects the speaker used to motivate the audience, the first being anticipation or hope. The speaker tried to emphasize the hope that she had found on the way of her journey while accepting and not hiding who she really was. This hope was meant to go to everyone in such a way that they too would accept who they really were and not hide anything whether it be their personality or  like in her case, a lesbian.

The second thing part of the motivation I caught was cohesion or acceptance. This ties into the first being hope. She tried to give the audience hope to stop hiding their true selves and to accept themselves or others. She tells a story about a friend of hers. This friend's father had legal power and was involved in a bill that would allow businesses to deny business to gays. Her friend voted in favor of the bill. Morgana wondered how different that would have been had she told her friend years before that she was gay. She shares this story hoping people would be more cep ting to those around them.

I believe that these were her abilities. By sharing a few experiences she has had in her life, she was able to motivate people enough to give her a standing ovation. I would hope that meant the audience took it to heard and was compelled or motivated to change. This was done without much effort on the speakers part physically. I cannot say if it was emotionally or psychologically though.
The facilitator the speaker used was the place she was in. She was presenting this speech to an audience of what looked like business people which was fitting since she spoke a lot about her work. The signal was the presentation, the actual speech and the personal stories she was using during the whole thing. The spark that got people motivated I believe was somewhat the same, her personal stories and her happiness of not hiding who she was.

I cannot tell if this lead people to conviction or to motivation. The standing ovation sure shows the audience was moved or motivated by what was said. If conviction would be defined in this case by action I believe there were a few lead to conviction also. This would be members of the audience accepting who they truly.

I can spot two process premises the speaker hit upon one being needs no the other being emotions. The needs premise the speaker hit upon was self worth. To accept and then not hide who we truly are it takes us giving ourselves worth. We have to feel like we are worth something to be willing to do such things. The emotions she was getting at were happiness and joy. In this case I believe for herself nod for those that did not hide who they really were. The speaker was successful in trying to use these two premises to persuade her audience to act.